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环球关注:overdrive对电脑有伤害吗 overdrive

2023-07-04 16:02:04 来源:互联网


1、overdrive[英]ˈəʊvədraɪv[美]ˈoʊvərdraɪvvt.驱使过度,虐待,超速传动[例句]This is misleading because you can always accomplish more by temporarily kicking yourself into overdrive.这其实是误导之言因为你总是可以完成更多的工作通过暂时使自己超速运转。

2、【overdrive】意思与用法英 [ˈəʊvədraɪv] 美 [ˈoʊvərdraɪv]1. N-COUNT(汽车的)超速挡,超速变速器 The overdrive in a vehicle is a very high gear that is used when you are driving at high speeds. The overdrive switch was on the steering column.超速挡的开关在转向杆上。

3、2. PHRASE加倍努力(或紧张) If you go into overdrive, you begin to work very hard or perform a particular activity in a very intense way. In the courtroom everybody went into overdrive, assuming that there might well be a verdict soon.法庭里,人人都加倍紧张地行动起来,认为马上就要作出裁定了。

4、3. VERB drive or work too hard;"The teacher is overworking his students""Overdriving people often suffer stress"4. VERB make use of too often or too extensivelysynonym: overuseoverdrive[英]ˈəʊvədraɪv[美]ˈoʊvərdraɪv vt.驱使过度,虐待,超速传动我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!。

